Categories: DRINK LIST


BC WINES HOUSE WINE 5oz Glass 9     9oz Glass 14    Bottle 38 Hester Creek, Pinot Gris, BC       Hester Creek, Cabernet/Merlot, BC Clos du Soleil, Rose, BC BY THE BOTTLE…

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COCKTAILS, SPRITZERS & HOT DRINKS   1.5 oz Cocktails 10.50 Mezcal Mule Mezcal, Lime Juice, Mint and Fentimans Ginger Beer  Earl Grey Ice Tea Fernie Distillery Prospector Gin and Fernie…

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Non Alcoholic

  Muisca Trading and Van Houtte Coffee   3   Hot Chocolate   3   Tea   3 (Earl Grey, Red Rose, English breakfast, Green, Peppermint, Chai, Chamomile)   Pop  3.50 Pepsi, Diet…

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